I just thought I would take a moment and say that I would appreciate the prayers of those who may read this. There are many things going on in our family and in our church that are life changing. Not to say, that they are necessarily good or bad, just life-changing.
Most of us come to these periods of time, and pastors and their families are not exempt. However, we often don't reach out or say anything when we are there. Sadly, most people also fail to notice when these times come to their pastor.
For those who do notice, and go so far as to reach out, you are more appreciated than the pastor can ever tell you. For those who don't notice, just give it some thought. We seldom are disappointed in our people for not noticing...much of that is our own fault, since we go around like Superman (My Youth Pastor is a Superman "fan") most of the time.
All in all right now though, I can clearly see the Lord doing a mighty work in my life and that of my family and church family. For that, I can hardly wait to see what the next few months have in store.
We have several guests that have been back more than once, and some that I think may be close to making a decision about membership. Some of them, I would suspect, have never really accepted Christ as their Savior.
I was extremely encouraged last night visiting with a brother in Christ as he was sharing with me about some recent successes in his outreach. It is nice to be reminded that lives are still being gloriously changed by our Lord! Thank you Bro. Jerry Smith (you probably will never even know that I put this here!)
Anyway, I must go for now. It is my prayer that you all have a most wonderful day in the Lord. Pray for the pastor in your life...
Pastor Doug Clements