Thursday, November 8, 2018

Numbers 11

In Numbers 11, we find that on the heels of the children of Israel complaining to Moses about the food “situation”, God tells Moses that He will provide food for the children of Israel.  In fact, He goes so far as to tell Moses that He will give them “flesh” to eat. “...not one day, nor two days, nor five days, neither ten days, nor twenty days; But even a whole month, until it come out your nostrils, and it be loathsome unto you”.  Of course Moses, like most of us, doubted God.  That doubt in Moses caused him to remind God how many people were in their party, as if He wasn’t aware.  If that weren’t enough, Moses asked if all the living creatures (land and sea) were to be slain to make that happen.  Upon hearing that, we see in verse 23 that God asked Moses if “His hand was waxed short?”  In other words, “Am I suddenly unable to provide your needs?”

You might ask what all that has to do with Y3T4?  Well, I’m happy to report that the Lord’s hand has NOT waxed short!  Please allow my monthly report to serve as an explanation.

First, we departed on September 30 in the afternoon.  I carried about 450 lbs of 2 year old (but still new and uncirculated) Bogard Press Sunday School material which had been given to SIMBSS for the SIMBSS Students.  Just to be brief, I made a costly error in calculating the cost of the baggage fees.  In April, we carried the Hyde Park New Testament commentaries (a little less weight) to the Solomon Islands and I anticipated about the same cost.  Well, it was much greater; like instead of about $2,500 it was $7,800!  I was sick.  Long story short, God knew all along how much it would cost and He didn’t stop me, but instead used it as a way of showing me and the rest of us a thing or two.  Seeing the pastors pick out brand new literature for use in their local churches was more of a blessing than I could have imagined.  When I got home, He showed me all that one more time, when after entering all the receipts, etc. into Quickbooks, I learned that there was enough money in the account the WHOLE TIME!

Second, after arriving in the Solomon Islands and attending the annual Central Association meeting, I and the team were privileged to witness a reconciliation service among the two MBC associations in the Solomon Islands.  God did something there that day for which many have been praying a long time.  That reconciliation paved the way to several new students, and I believe will bring about the planting of many more churches.

Lastly, even though there was some swelling and discomfort, my foot was a non-factor on the trip.  God is truly a great God!

In closing, we had about our normal number of students.  As always, the students are working very hard and striving to be the best they can be for the work God has given them.  I am working to update, YouTube channel “SIMBSS Videos”, and  From each of those places you can learn more about SIMBSS, the students, and the instructors through pictures, text, and videos.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Where's The Good?

Romans 8:28 says,
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

As most everyone is aware, on May 14th I suffered a traumatic injury to my right foot.  That injury occurred when a large boulder rolled over and fell on my foot, which then required surgery.  On Monday, the surgeon said that my foot was healed and released me.  Today is my 12th day to wear a regular shoe on my right foot.  Things are good.  Well, actually they're great!   

Some would quickly say, "How can they be great, and where is the good in all of that?".  I have to say that is a really good question, one for which I don't think I'll ever have a really good answer.  However, I do have a few thoughts I'd like to share with you.
  • I do not believe for a second that God "willed", divinely or permissively, the boulder to roll over on my foot.  Upon hearing of my injury, one grandma that I know offered these very profound words: "The boy should have moved his foot!"  I couldn't agree more. Time and time again in my life, I've both given and received the warning to back up when in those situations.  I should have moved my foot.  Where's the good in that situation?
    • I didn't faint and become unable to help remove the boulder.  I think it was the worst pain I've ever felt, and I am convinced child-birth would have to be at least second to getting your foot crushed under a boulder.
    • I didn't have my foot so far under it that I couldn't get it out.  I pulled it out and for the life of us (my father, my wife, nor myself), we have no idea how I got it out...oh wait, yes I do...God somehow (and I don't have to know how) helped me get loose from that boulder! Makes me think of Peter's chains falling off and the prison gates opening for him to walk through (Acts 12:1-11).
    • I still have a foot. That boulder could have just severed it from my ankle!  Today, I still walk with a bit of a limp, but that will go away with exercise and time.  There are many who are in far worse shape than me.
    • I could go on, but isn't all that good?
  • Normally I would have been gone during most of the month of July, but because of the injury, my travel to the Solomon Islands was cancelled.  My presence at our home church was helpful because of the resignation of our pastor.  Without a doubt they could have made it fine without me, just like most other churches do when they lose their pastor; but it was a blessing to me and I pray it was a blessing to them also.
  • Finally, the Lord Himself has received praise that He otherwise wouldn't have received. 
    • I've personally praised Him for the minimal pain, tremendous medical teams, selfless care I've received at home from Valerie, calls/prayers of God's people, and more things than what I can remember.
    • The medical bills related to my injury, surgery, and post-op care (somewhere in the neighborhood of $75k-$100k) are PAID IN FULL!
    • I've had the privilege of seeing God do so many things over the past 3 1/2 months, for which only He could get the praise.  Psalm 46:10 comes to my mind this morning, because prior to the injury, I was going "90 to nothin" and I'm sure I needed some down time.  He says to be still and know that He is God.  It would seem that as we move about at the pace of a whirlwind, we might not be as capable of knowing (remembering) that He is God and to see His working in our lives.  I found myself in a situation where being still was about all I could do and I thank Him for that.
    • ...and then there's the irony of the story.  Pictured in this blog is the boulder.  You'll notice the writing, which was finished only about 30 minutes before it rolled over on my foot.  EBENEZER...I Samuel 7:12 "...hitherto the Lord hath helped us".  Every person who asked me how that happened, got to hear how the Lord had helped us up to that point in our lives and how that we didn't anticipate that help to stop just because the EBENEZER stone crushed my foot.  Heretofore I know that the Lord will help me some more!
My love for God pales in comparison to what it should be, but I strive daily to love Him more.  I am confident that as days upon days go by, I'll learn of more good things that came out of my experience with the EBENEZER stone.

In October we resume our teaching trips to the Solomon Islands.  Please pray for the teaching teams, the students, and particularly for me.  The trips there are hard enough already and will be even harder with me not being at full speed.

God bless you all!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

A missionary with which I am friends uses a blog to post regular updates about the work he and his wife are doing.  I am very impressed with their blog and thought I might resurrect and rename my old blog to use for SIMBSS.

We'll see how it goes.
