24T2 Solomon Islands

24T2 Solomon Islands

This trip to the Solomon Islands was free of delayed flights, lost luggage or anything like that at all!  I couldn't hardly believe it since we'd faced so many obstacles in the past.  It was also the first trip in quite a long time that I was by myself, but it was by far quiet! haha

To see some videos of a few events from the trip, follow the link below.  


Bible Distribution

Over 700 Bibles - 48 per church to 14 different churches 

I arrived in Honiara, Guadalcanal on the morning of March 27th and got right to work.  We'd had a missionary friend, Pastor/Missionary/Captain Glen Knight send us some bibles back in 2023, and we had been unsuccessful in getting them through customs, so that was my first order of business.  Everything you do in a 3rd world country is extraordinarily (and I think mostly unnecessarily) complicated and getting these bibles in our possession was no different.  There's no sense in going into detail, but I am happy to report that on Friday the 5th of April (the day before I left to come home) they finally made it to the church and distribution was made to 14 different churches.  Each church received 48 bibles, which left us with 285 m/l to distribute later as necessary.  The pics are below.  One highlight in all of that, I was able to "hire" a few young boys to help us unload the Bibles for the cost of an ice cream treat.  Ferris, Ragan, Samson and Jayden did a great job and also received a copy of God's Word!  Maybe you can pray that one day they'll use those Bibles to come to Christ and then to share Him with others they meet.

                                                             Ferris, Ragan, Samson and Jayden

In between the work to get the Bibles out of Customs and them finally making it to the church, I met with the recent graduates who could get to Honiara for the first, of what I hope will be several, advanced classes to help prepare them for the next steps they'll take in the transition of the school to a Solomon led school.  We had a good and profitable time together on Friday and Saturday (March 29-30).

Orientation, Welcome and Classes began in haste at the first of the week (31 March) and ended later in the week (5 April).  Even though classes ended in April, I am including all of that activity in this month's report.  That way when May rolls around, I'll only be reporting on current events.  We had a total of 10 students this time, which is about 15 less than we were having before the graduation.  We have some who are not as faithful to come as before, but there could be many reasons for that decrease.  I do know that costs are up considerably there, just like they are here in America...they just don't have much of an option.  The fare for the boat to travel between islands has gone up considerably and makes it almost prohibitive to travel.

We did have 4 graduates participating in the teaching modules this time and will continue to do so in the teaching modules to come. I am very excited to report that some of them are really showing progress in their lives!  I can't thank our supporters enough!

Below, you'll see a pic of those in attendance for 24T2. Beside me is our only new student for this term, Bro Fred Rilalo.

Larry Clements always carried Tabasco Sauce wherever he went, and the Solomon Islands were no exception.  At his funeral in the month of February, they gave out these small souvenir type bottles in memory of him.  When everything was over, I managed to secure enough to give to the SIMBSS students who Larry loved and who love him.


Here are some of the men watching Larry's funeral service one day after dinner.

A view from the heavens...somewhere!

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