Saturday, July 15, 2023

June Report & Other News

The June report can be found by following this LINK, so I won't repeat all of that here.  However, I would like to elaborate a bit on a few of the things in the report.

As far as the report is concerned, I am thinking of preparing a video report each month to work in conjunction with the printed report.  I am also wondering if preparing a printed report on a bi-monthly or quarterly basis would be acceptable with our supporters.  If we went to either of those reporting schedules, we would still provide our regular supporters with at least one video report AND a financial report every month.

While in Spokane, I had the privilege of meeting the Tejada family who were attending their first ABA meeting and also working to plant a church in Vancouver, BC.  This could be an area we are able to visit at some point in the future.

I also had the opportunity to meet and visit with James Shields (no pic).  He and his family are missionaries to Alaska and we had a great visit together about a number of things, one being us coming to help them.  We'll see how that works out.

Also, while I was in Spokane, I was able to meet a few men who may be able to help us with the teaching terms in the coming months.  I look forward to introducing them to you if it becomes a reality.

The matter of the transition is one which will require much prayer and help from God.  There are a number of issues we must work out, such as, which church will become the sponsor of the seminary and how will I make that decision...or if it is even my decision to make.  It will be a critical decision with regard to the long-term stability of the seminary process in the Solomon Islands.

Concerning the graduation, we have a number of students who have been with us since the standardized classes began back in 2016.  Like anywhere else I guess, not all of the students have been as diligent as they should have been so we have some that may not manage to complete all the remedial work required to graduate.  Please pray that this will be a positive for the work moving forward and that those who fall short of the requirements for graduation will continue until they finish.

The brothers and sisters in India are in need of assistance for food and other necessary items.  If that is something that you can help with, please let me know.


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