Friday, May 5, 2023

April Report of SIMBSS and Y8T2

Greetings in the name of our Lord!

It is a great opportunity to report to you on the April activities of SIMBSS.  We returned on May 1 from the Y8T2 teaching trip, and I am happy to report that we had a very productive trip and time in class.

We left our homes on Monday, April 17 for the Solomon Islands and were scheduled to arrive in Australia on Wednesday morning, April 19.  My plan was to visit Sherwood Hills Baptist Church in Campbelltown, Australia in their mid-week service to update them (they are a regular supporter) on the work.  Due to covid, I had not been able to visit in quite a long time.  Unfortunately, that plan was disrupted due to an issue with American Airlines, and we didn't make it out of LAX until mid-morning on Tuesday, April 18.

We arrived in Australia too late to make it to Sherwood Hills, and continued our journey from there without any issue, arriving in Honiara at our scheduled time of mid-afternoon on Friday, April 21.

All the necessary tasks before class could begin were handled and classes began on time Sunday afternoon, April 23.  One difference this time was that we had a scheduling mix-up with Rock Haven Inn, leaving us with no option but to have classes at Newport MBC.  After talking with Rock Haven's Director, those issues were resolved, and we'll tentatively be meeting there again in July.  I say tentatively because the folks at Newport would like for us to meet there in the future, but we'll see.

Bro Grimes spoke on the New Testament Parables, and I spoke on Disciple-Making and Discipleship.  We had a great time with the students, and they showed interest in the subject matter and were very engaging all week.  It was a joy to be back in the routine and I'm already looking forward to returning in July.

Progress was made toward the October graduation I've been talking about.  There are two students who have completed all their assignments and have no remedial work to do.  Some have a good bit of work yet to complete and a few others have a minimal amount to complete in order to be ready for graduation.  Please pray for them all that they'll finish strong and complete the tasks assigned.

You can read the April report by following this link "April Report" and you can view all the images from the trip by following this link "April Pictures".  

I'm thankful for all of you as well as your help and prayers.

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